Our purpose is to assist college aged adults develop a close, dependant walk with Jesus Christ. For as he said, “Without me, you can do nothing” (John 15:5). 


Some of us attend college at ENMU while others attend CCC. Some are just starting on their life-path toward a career while others are getting established on their life-path in a career. But all are seeking to grow in their faith and knowledge of Jesus and become equipped to handle the trials and temptations that Christ warns us will come when we choose to follow Him. 


We have one service that meets at 9:30 AM. You can learn more about our worship service and worship ministry by clicking HERE.


Bible Study happens every Sunday morning at 10:45 AM. As part of a Connection Group, you can participate in gatherings for the purpose of fellowship and having fun. You will meet weekly as a group on Sunday morning for the purpose of studying God's Word together and growing toward spiritual maturity. You will also adopt service projects to do as a group, as well as outreach projects you can do together as you seek to live your life on mission for God.